Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, April 27, 1990                   TAG: 9004270047
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: southwest bureau
DATELINE: WYTHEVILLE                                LENGTH: Short


The Wythe County All-Children's Chorus will be featured Sunday during a two-hour musical program at Fort Chiswell High School to promote awareness of Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Admission to the 3 p.m. program is $1 (no charge for children or senior citizens). The chorus is composed of about 60 children from 4 to 18 in age from various county schools and churches. Also appearing will be musician Frank Emerson of Words & Music of Wytheville and Kazoo the Clown (Alan Hullette).

Sponsors are the Protective Services Unit of the Wythe County Department of Social Services and the Wythe County Multi-Disciplinary Team. Prizes donated by area businesses for a raffle will be awarded at the program. Proceeds will go toward services for children at risk, neglected children, families with abuse problems, summer camps for high-risk children and training and abuse prevention programs.

 by CNB