Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, April 29, 1990                   TAG: 9005080053
SECTION: NURSES                    PAGE: N19   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Sarah Cox
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Harken back 90 years to the first meeting of the Virginia Nurses Association. This year's state convention will be doing just that as it celebrates 90 years of history with awards, speakers and displays.

The theme of the convention will be "The VNA: What's Past is Prologue." The keynote speaker, nurse historian Dr. Olga Church of the University of Connecticut, will include facts on nursing in Virginia in her address, said Jan Johnson, executive director of the VNA.

The convention will meet at the Fort Magruder Inn in Williamsburg October 17-20. It will feature a number of historical educational presentations, among a look at the history of affirmative action in nursing.

The presentation will be given by Dr. Ethelrine Nickerson-Shaw, immediate past president of the American Nurses Foundation.

A history award will be presented to two noted nursing historians with Virginia connections, said Johnson, and there will also be an award of recognition given to the outstanding Virginia nurse of the year. In order to qualify for this, the nurse must be nominated by collegues or an employer; be active in nursing; and complete the nomination form.

"This is to honor nurses who are experts in their field," Johnson said.

This year's recipient is Daisy Van Pelt, R.N., director of Women's Health Focus at Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg.

The thread of history will be picked up with a display focusing on nursing in Virginia - nursing pins of schools throughout the state will be collected, even from those of schools that no longer exist.

In addition, Johnson said, they are trying to locate uniforms of the past, and the oldest member in each district will be recognized at the banquet.

 by CNB