Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, May 6, 1990                   TAG: 9005060179
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: LEXINGTON                                LENGTH: Medium


The Lee-Jackson Lacrosse Classic can hardly be called a "regular" season game for neighbors VMI and Washington and Lee.

The Classic, a budding tradition in its third year, is the only sport in which the Division I Keydets and the Division III Generals meet; it is the season finale for both teams, and it is preceded by a week of festivities and hype.

But despite this potential for distraction, first-year Washington and Lee lacrosse coach Jim Stagnitta prepared his team in a workmanlike fashion for "just another game." The host Generals responded by whipping the Keydets 18-7 in the third annual Lee-Jackson game Saturday afternoon at Wilson Field.

With the win, the Generals (9-4), 13th-ranked in Division III, retained the Lee-Jackson Trophy they acquired in 1989.

The victory also gave the Generals an outside chance at a spot in the eight-team Division III playoff field, which will be announced this afternoon.

"The kids were hyped," Stagnitta said. "But we had to prepare just like any other game. We knew we needed the win for the playoffs and this was a big week, but the game is what you make of it. You can get as excited as you want, but it all comes down to who puts it together during the 60 minutes.

"We moved the ball really well today. We made the right looks and the right passes. I think we had three and a half pretty good quarters."

After more than eight scoreless minutes, the Generals broke on top when Jim Jones scooped up a ground ball and fed Jeff Roberts for the score. Less than thirty seconds later, Washington and Lee went up 2-0 on a Todd Garliss goal.

The Generals led 6-2 in second quarter, but VMI (7-5), which had won five straight games, rallied with four goals. The flurry was capped by Pete Tunnard's 20-yard empty-net goal with 1:37 left in the half as the Keydets closed to 6-5.

The second half belonged to Washington and Lee. Up 10-5 going into the fourth quarter, Jones scored three goals within six minutes in the fourth to put the game away. Jones and Roberts each finished with three goals to lead the Generals' scoring.

The contest did not turn out to be a battle of the offensive stars - the Generals' Chris Mastrogiovanni and VMI's Tim Nolan - that some expected. Both were double-teamed by the opposing defense, and Nolan, who had scored 35 goals in 11 games, was hampered by a broken thumb, suffered Friday in practice. He still managed to score a goal and two assists.

Mastrogiovanni, who had scored 36 goals in 12 previous games, had two goals and an assist but, perhaps more important, helped open opportunities for his teammates by drawing the double-team.

"I've been scoring a lot lately," Mastrogiovanni said, "but there are a lot of other guys on this team who can play and they proved it today."

VMI1402-7 Washington and Lee 4248-18

Goals - VMI: Gill 2, Nolan, Lawrence, Owens, Tunnard, Poon. Washington and Lee: Jones 3, Roberts 3, Mastrogiovanni 2, Garliss 2, Nunnan, Douoguih, Wight, Moseman, Guida, Hancock, Hunter, West.

Assists - VMI: Nolan 2, Ervin. Washington and Lee: Moseman 2, Hutton 2, Jones, Mastrogiovanni, Garliss, Honey, Schiminger.

Saves - VMI: Ott 9. Washington and Lee: Costello 12.

Shots - Washington and Lee 40, VMI 24.

Ground balls - Washington and Lee 60, VMI 53.

Faceoffs - VMI 14, Washington and Lee 13.

Penalties - Washington and Lee: 7 for 7:00; VMI: 9 for 7:00.

 by CNB