Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, May 15, 1990                   TAG: 9005150217
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


John F. Kennedy Jr. may have a brighter future on stage than in a courtroom.

The assistant New York prosecutor, who twice has flunked the bar exam, plays the guitar and sings in the movie "A Matter of Degrees," which is scheduled to open in Europe but has no U.S. distributor, according to the May 21 issue of People.

Kennedy, who must pass the bar exam on his third try in July or lose his $30,000-a-year job, made his professional acting debut opposite Christina Haag in "Winners" in an off-off-Broadway theater in 1988.

"He is the finest young actor I have seen in 12 years," said the theater's operator, Nye Heron.

Patti Page, whose 1950 recording of "Tennesseee Waltz" is one of the biggest-selling records of all time, did the wedding waltz Saturday in Solona Beach, Calif., marrying the widower of her late best friend.

Page, 62, and Jerry J. Filiciotto, a 60-year-old retired aerospace engineer, were married in a formal ceremony at Solana Beach Presbyterian Church, said the singer's publicist, Alan Eichler. Some 200 friends and family members were in attendance.

The marriage was the third for Page, who's been single for 20 years, and the second for Filiciotto.

Eichler said Filiciotto's late wife, Katie, and Page had been best friends for years.

"She died two years ago and that's when Patti and Jerry started going to social things together and then they started dating," Eichler said. Page's records have sold more than 100 million copies, including 8 million of "Tennessee Waltz." Her other hits include "Doggie In The Window," "Old Cape Cod," "I Went To Your Wedding," "Allegheny Moon," "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte," "Gentle On My Mind."

 by CNB