Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, May 15, 1990                   TAG: 9005150349
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


A Pennsylvania tractor-trailer driver was convicted Monday of assaulting two state troopers on Interstate 81 in Roanoke County after one of them stopped him for speeding.

Roanoke County General District Judge George Harris sentenced Richard H. Dye, 45, of West Alexandria, Pa., to nine months in jail for assaulting Troopers T.R. Warden and W.W. Viohl on April 4.

Harris also fined Dye $1,500 and ordered him to pay $600 restitution for the cost of Warden's uniform, doctor bills and time lost from work.

Dye also was convicted of speeding and was fined $250 for not keeping his logbook up to date, a misdemeanor motor-carrier violation.

According to state police, Warden stopped Dye about 9:10 p.m. near the Dixie Caverns exit in the northbound lanes of the highway.

Dye became argumentative and began cursing after he was stopped, and Warden radioed for backup, state police said.

Viohl responded to the call, but by the time he arrived the driver had calmed down.

Viohl testified Monday that he heard a commotion as he was inspecting the truck while Warden was in his patrol car writing Dye a summons for speeding. He said he heard Warden tell Dye to get back in the car.

Viohl said he started back to Warden's car and saw Dye push Warden over a guardrail. Viohl said he tried to subdue Dye but Dye struck him in the face, dislodging his glasses.

Viohl said he hit Dye twice with his flashlight, knocking him to the ground. The three men struggled and the troopers were able to subdue Dye. The took him to the Roanoke County/Salem Jail.

 by CNB