Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, May 17, 1990                   TAG: 9005180259
SOURCE: George Kegley
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau plans an expanded program "to cultivate tourism" in the Roanoke Valley when it moves from the Liberty Trust Building to the renovated Marketplace Center in August.

Plans for the visitor information center, to face Market Street in the City Market area, were announced by Gov. Douglas Wilder and travel officials during National Tourism Week last week. The 2,450-square-foot travel center will have a reception area, brochure room, an audiovisual room and space for expansion of services.

At a news conference outside the center , Wilder used a symbolic key to the city to "unlock" the valley on a map, promising "better services in our community and greater quality of life through the economic development generated by increased tourism."

Jim Hinson, bureau president, announced a prize of $1,000 for the writer of the best travel story about the Roanoke Valley published "in a recognized publication" before May 1 of next year. A news release about Roanoke area attractions will be sent to international travel writers and publications, he said.

The bureau is planning a major travel-familiarization tour with the opening of the Julian Stanley Wise exhibition in the Roanoke Valley History Museum at Center in the Square next spring, Hinson said.

Martha Mackey, executive director of the bureau, reported state figures showing that travelers annually spend more than $200 million in the Roanoke Valley. This generates almost $39 million in payroll for more than 4,200 jobs. Travel, the second largest industry in the state, is expected to be first by the year 2000, said Pat McMahon, director of the state Division for Tourism.

Mackey and her staff wore T-shirts bearing the inscription, "Tourism Works for the Roanoke Valley" at the news conference.

Marketplace Center, a 33,000-square-foot, two-story building, is being renovated by Dave Saunders and Richard Wells.

 by CNB