Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, May 18, 1990                   TAG: 9005180733
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: GENEVA                                LENGTH: Medium


A Lebanese Shiite militia has contacted the Red Cross concerning an offer to swap the bodies of two Israeli soldiers for Israeli-held Arab prisoners, a Red Cross spokeswoman said today.

"I can confirm that Amal, [a Shiite militia], has resumed contacts with us on the subject," said spokeswoman Martine Haemmerli.

She said the militia and Israel first contacted the International Committee of the Red Cross on the proposed swap some time ago. She refused to elaborate.

An Israeli defense official said in Jerusalem on Thursday that Israel wants proof that Amal is holding the bodies of the two soldiers killed in south Lebanon before considering a swap.

Such an exchange with the mainstream Amal militia could encourage more releases of Western hostages held in Lebanon by pro-Iranian Shiite radicals. There are now 16 Western hostages, including six Americans.

After two U.S. hostages were freed last month, Iran and allied groups in Lebanon demanded a goodwill gesture, such as the release of prisoners held by the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army, which has more than 300 prisoners.

The Israeli official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Amal had been claiming for some time that it was holding the bodies but had never produced evidence. Most of the seven Israeli servicemen missing in Lebanon are believed to be in the hands of radical Iranian-backed or Palestinian groups.

"As far as we know the Amal organization does not have the bodies of any of our soldiers," he said. "If Amal believes the bodies are those of Israeli soldiers, let it first submit evidence to this effect. Only after we are convinced the bodies are in fact those of Israeli soldiers will there be room to negotiate the matter."

U.N. sources in south Lebanon disclosed Thursday that in early 1989 Amal leader Nabih Berri approached United Nations officials and offered to return Israeli bodies given to them by the Palestine Liberation Organization.

In exchange, Berri sought the release of Shiite prisoners held in al-Khiam, a prison controlled by the South Lebanon Army.

The sources, who demanded anonymity, said Berri never identified the bodies of the soldiers he was offering to trade. They said Israel demanded proof and suggested evidence be given to representatives of the International Red Cross.

The negotiations were halted after battles broke out between rival Shiite groups, and Israel captured Shiite Sheik Abdul Karim Obeid in July.

Last week, the commander of the South Lebanon Army, Gen. Antoine Lahad, refused to make prisoner releases solely to help Western hostages.

 by CNB