Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, May 23, 1990                   TAG: 9005230081
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


David Goode, Norfolk Southern's vice president for taxation, is being transferred from Roanoke to NS headquarters in Norfolk along with three other tax attorneys for the corporation.

Goode heads NS' 44-person tax department in Roanoke. The rest of the department will remain in Roanoke, Goode said.

Goode's transfer leaves Roanoke with two NS vice presidents, down from five in late 1987. Vice presidents remaining in Roanoke are William Bales, who supervises the railroad's coal business, and Donald W. Mayberry, in charge of mechanical operations.

In 1987, Mayberry was promoted and Charles Irvin, vice president for transportation, moved to Norfolk, leaving NS with five top executives in Roanoke. Since then Jerry Durand, vice president for information services, and Alan Brogan, vice president for materials management, have gone to Norfolk.

Since the Norfolk and Western and Southern railways merged in 1982 to form Norfolk Southern, several railroad operations and top-paid executives have been moved from Roanoke, either to Norfolk or to Atlanta. The NS engineering department moved to Atlanta in 1988, and in 1989 the legal department went to Norfolk.

The transfers of key NS decision makers have raised concerns locally about the railroads plan's for Roanoke, but NS said Roanoke still has more employees than any other city in the NS system.

Also transferred to Norfolk were Henry C. "Hank" Wolf, assistant vice president tax counsel, and lawyers Jim Hixon and William Gallanco.

Goode said his transfer would take place in the "near future." A Vinton native, he joined the NW in 1965 as a tax attorney. He has held his current position since 1985.

"I'm moving because the chairman would like to have the head of tax functions closer to headquarters," Goode said. "I've lived here all my life. I naturally hate to leave the valley."

With the remainder of the tax department staying, Goode said he expects to be spending a lot of time in the Roanoke Valley.

Goode is a graduate of Duke University and Harvard Law School. He has been active in civic affairs in the Roanoke Valley, particularly in support of the arts.

He is a director and past president of the Roanoke Fine Arts Museum, past president of Mill Mountain Theatre and treasurer of the Western Virginia Foundation for Arts and Sciences, the governing body for Roanoke's Center in the Square.

He also is past chairman of Virginia's Commission for the Arts, a director of the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce and the Roanoke Valley Regional Partnership, and is on the executive committee of the Roanoke Business Council.

Goode's wife, Susan, is a member of the Roanoke Planning Commission.

Wolf joined NW as a tax attorney in 1973. He is a graduate of William and Mary and its law school. He also holds a master's degree from Louisiana State University and a master of law degree from Georgetown University.

Wolf was in the Army judge advocate general's corps, in the office of the chief counsel of the IRS, and was an adviser to a tax court judge before joining the railroad.

He is chairman of the American Red Cross major gifts division, chairman of the scholarship committee of the Roanoke Valley Golf Association, a member of the steering committee of the Southern Pension Conference, and a member of the Council of Community Services.

In 1988, he was one of the first Jews to be accepted for membership in Roanoke's Shenandoah Club.

 by CNB