Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, May 31, 1990                   TAG: 9005310401
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-8   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: By Associated Press
DATELINE: LAS CRUCES, N.M.                                  LENGTH: Short


A Virginia woman was found dead in her motel room 12 hours after calling for an ambulance, authorities said.

Helen Brianard, 74, of Staunton, was alone and apparently suffering a heart attack Friday when she called 911 for help. Authorities said a "series of errors" prevented an ambulance unit and police from reaching Brainard, who was found dead Saturday.

"It's once in a blue moon where a call has so many things go wrong," said Brian Melby, spokesman for the Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority.

Police said Brainard apparently had been vacationing in the Las Cruces area and had checked into the motel on May 22 or 23.

Authorities said Tuesday the emergency service dispatcher who took the emergency call Friday night relayed erroneous information to rescue personnel.

And when efforts to trace the call failed, authorities concluded it was a prank call.

Dispatch records showed Brainard, who was staying at a Days Inn, called for help at 9:38 p.m. Friday. She told the dispatcher she thought she was suffering a heart attack.

"She was in some severe distress and hung up on her end," Melby said.

Unlike other cities, the Las Cruces 911 system cannot identify the source of emergency calls.

The dispatcher, whose name was not released, sent an ambulance the wrong room. The dispatcher also told police to go the Days Inn, but gave them the address of another motel, the Days End.

 by CNB