Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 1, 1990                   TAG: 9006010375
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: RICHMONBD                                 LENGTH: Short


Taxpayers may have to foot a $148,500 bill for Gov. Douglas Wilder's inaugural invitations because the committee in charge of the swearing-in ceremony exceeded its printing budget, a state official said Thursday.

The state sent the printer a check Thursday for $43,793, using up the last of $150,000 budgeted by the state for the Jan. 13 event, said House of Delegates Clerk Joseph H. Holleman Jr., who paid the state's part of the inaugural bills.

That leaves $148,500 still owed to Joyce Office Products Centers of Richmond for printing 75,000 full-color invitations.

"I'm still seeking advice from the governor on this, how to handle the balance," Holleman said. "I haven't heard from him."

Laura Dillard, Wilder's press secretary, said the inaugural committee thinks it was overcharged for the invitations and is trying to resolve the matter.

"The state is not going to be stuck with this," she said.

She said the company told the inaugural committee chairwoman, Judy Anderson, that it would not cost much more to print the state seal in full colors on the invitations.

"There was not a written contract, that is true, but there were verbal assurances about the cost and that they would not be out of line with what had been the cost in previous inaugurals," Dillard said.

Larry Faulkner, the company's president, had complained to the Daily Press of Newport News about the unpaid bill. "We have nothing to say any longer," he said Thursday.

 by CNB