Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 5, 1990                   TAG: 9006050017
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


PEGGY M. ATKINS, secretary in the Learning Resource Center at New River Community College, has been named 1990 Outstanding Support Staff Employee. The $300 award recognizes contributions made by classified and part-time staff at the college.

\ CHARLES W. McNICHOLS has been appointed the Ted R. and John N. Dalton Professor of Business Administration at Radford University. Radford's second endowed professorship is named for former Virginia governor John Dalton and his father, Ted Dalton, a former United States District Court judge.

McNichols, the David Brown Associates Professor of Management at the Florida Institute of Technology in Florida, will join the university in June. McNichols, a specialist in information systems, has authored four books and has taught at Clemson University and Air Force Institute of Technology.

\ BRIAN SAARI has been named vice president-operations at Clinton's Transfer & Storage in Blacksburg. Saari had been employed as operations manager since 1982.

\ The Blacksburg Jaycees recently installed its 1990-91 officers. BARBARA MARTIN, an employee at Wolverine Gasket Division in Blacksburg, was named president. TAMMY QUESENBERRY, a management trainee at the National Bank of Blacksburg, is treasurer. ELAINE CRAWFORD, a letter carrier for the U.S. PostalService in Blacksburg, was named secretary. DEBORAH HARRIS, assistant director for student services at Virginia Tech's university placement services, will serve as chairman of the board. Directors are GEORGE MILLER, TAMMY HELMS and KEMP FANT. JOE HODGE, Jaycee of the Year, was named community development vice president. CHARLIE WEBB is membership development vice president.

\ The New River Valley Chapter of Professional Secretaries International installed its 1990-91 officers at its May meeting.

ROSALIE VEIT, a certified professional secretary, was named president. Other officers are: RHONDA ROGERS, president elect; NANCY POWELL, recording secretary;TINA EDMUNDS, corresponding secretary; and DOROTHY JOHNSON, treasurer.

The organization also awarded scholarships for one semester of tuition to two New River Community College secretarial students. JENNIFER WHITE of Pulaski is majoring in office systems technology. BRENDA PRITCHARD of Dublin is majoring in word processing.

 by CNB