Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 5, 1990                   TAG: 9006050060
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: STATE 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


The Virginia Water Control Board will hold a public hearing June 18 on a proposal to withdraw water from the Maury River to operate a power plant at Buena Vista.

The board will also hold a hearing on that day for a Virginia Pollutant Elimination Discharge permit to dump water back into the river.

Hadson Power has asked for state certification to withdraw roughly 1.6 million gallons daily from the river and to return 300,000 gallons daily. The certification would set standards for water quality and for the minimum amount of water that would have to be left in the river to protect its other uses.

The proposed cogeneration power plant, which would provide steam to Georgia Bonded Fibers and electricity to Virginia Power Co., would be on U.S. 60 west of the Glen Maury Park in Buena Vista.

People who have already responded to a public notice of a proposed discharge permit for the plant raised concerns about the holding ponds and the toxicity of water to be discharged.

The hearing will be held at 7 p.m. June 18 in Chandler Hall on the Southern Seminary campus in Buena Vista. Anyone wishing to speak may do so.

The board also will accept written comments through June 18. They should be mailed to Lori A. Freeman, State Water Control Board, Office of Policy Analysis, P.O. Box 11143, Richmond 23230.

More information about the water withdrawal certificate is available from the water board in Richmond at 1-804-367-6435. Information about the discharge permit is available in the board's regional office at Bridgewater or by calling 1-703-828-2595.

- Staff report

 by CNB