Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 5, 1990                   TAG: 9006050299
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Michael Jackson was hospitalized in stable condition Monday and undergoing tests for chest pains. His sister, LaToya, said he was fine, and she sent him a dozen black roses.

The 31-year-old Jackson, who had been ill for several days, became alarmed Sunday evening at his Los Angeles home when pain gripped his chest. His doctor drove him to the hospital.

The ailing singer received a get-well message from the White House. "President Bush just called to wish Michael Jackson well," said Jackson spokesman Bob Jones.

Corey Feldman, the young actor, pleaded innocent Monday to four felony drug charges.

Feldman, 18, entered his plea before a Los Angeles Superior Court judge, who set a pretrial hearing for July 9.

The actor was charged with possession of heroin for sale, transportation of heroin, possession of cocaine and transportation of heroin, said Deputy District Attorney Peter Cagney. Feldman remains free on $5,000 bail.

Jane Fonda says her current beau, cable king Ted Turner, wasted no time phoning her after reading last year about her breakup with husband Tom Hayden.

"He wanted to know if I was available to date," Fonda said in an interview in the June 11 issue of People magazine. "I think I said I wasn't feeling so hot, that he was an interesting guy, too, but I wasn't feeling peppy."

Fonda and Turner eventually met, but she and Italian soccer player Lorenzo Caccialanza were dating at the time, the magazine said. Turner, whose holdings include CNN and the Atlanta Braves, waited until that relationship ended to make a move, People said.

Robert Redford urged a new crop of university graduates to force politicians into ending a decade of "naked greed and profit at the expense of the environment."

The actor and longtime environmental activist spoke Saturday at commencement ceremonies on the Boston campus of the University of Massachusetts.

"It is time to send a message to our elected officials that if they do not protect our environment they will be voted out of office or never get elected in the first place," Redford said.

Redford, who received an honorary doctorate in science, criticized President Bush for failing to follow up on campaign promises to improve the environment.

 by CNB