Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 7, 1990                   TAG: 9006070567
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: WILLIAMSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


State Secretary of Education James W. Dyke is enlisting the help of Virginia's college presidents in battling racism and sexism on campus.

Dyke told the state Council of Higher Education on Wednesday that he wants college presidents to draft proposals to make their campuses "communities of civility."

He said his decision was spurred by incidents on campuses that show disrespect toward women and minorities and reflect a tolerance for substance abuse.

Dyke did not mention any specific incidents, but there have been several at state campuses in the past year.

Virginia Tech officials disbanded a fraternity after learning pledges were required to be photographed kissing a black woman of their choice. At Radford University, a student was the target of racial epithets in the library. And two white men, one wearing a T-shirt with a Nazi insignia, tried to disrupt a multiracial gathering at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Dyke said he is receiving reports from students and administrators all over the state that lead him to conclude there is an undercurrent of racism at many Virginia campuses.

Dyke's announcement followed a recent national report that warns of increases in drug and alcohol abuse, rape and racist incidents on college campuses.

"Virginia is doing better than most states, but we need to improve," Dyke said. "We need to create an atmosphere in which students do not feel physically threatened."

While the plans are being written, Dyke said, there will be at least one meeting between Gov. Douglas Wilder and the college presidents to review the situation and the ideas in their plans.

Dyke said he expects the college presidents' proposals, which are due in the fall, to include student forums.

"This was something that needed to be done," he said. "It's an ambitious agenda that will not be completed in the four years of this administration, but we must begin now."

The state initiative follows a report by the American Council on Education and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching that concludes that the quality of life has diminished on college campuses.

The researchers, who surveyed dozens of college presidents, said more than 75 percent feel alcohol abuse is a problem on their campuses; about 50 percent said thefts are a moderate to major problem, and 68 percent at research institutions and 28 percent at liberal arts colleges said racial tensions are a moderate to major concern.

 by CNB