Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 7, 1990                   TAG: 9006080141
SOURCE: By Frances Stebbins
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


SEVEN ADULT MEMBERS \ of TEMPLE EMANUEL have undergone the ritual of bat and bar mitzvah. The service for the coming of age in the Jewish faith was not held at the usual early teen period for Jane Bender, Dr. Edward Cornbleet, Jane Davidson, Barbara Hicks, Paula Kaplan, Charlotte Lippmann and Carol Shields. Their service of choice was a first for the temple.

\ MELROSE AVENUE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMS for children 5 through 11 will begin Wednesday at Fairview United Methodist Church, 1310 Van Buren St. N.W. They will continue each Wednesday through the summer from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m.

On the first and third Wednesdays, children will have Bible study, games and crafts. On the second and fourth weeks, music and art will be used to convey a Christian message.

This new community fellowship program is the result of a long-range ministry study conducted by the Virginia United Methodist Conference. It will not replace the usual vacation Bible school - scheduled for the evenings of July 22-27 - with new curriculum and format. For information about either program, call 366-4107.

\ A RECEPTION to honor the Rev. Dr. Joe Lindsoe and his wife, Betty, is scheduled June 17 from 3 to 5 p.m. at Melrose Christian Church (Disciples of Christ,) 4807 Cove Road N.W. The Lindsoes are retiring to Smith Mountain Lake.

\ EDGEWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 1006 Peck St. N.W., has begun Homelife, a Sunday evening summer program for all ages. The programs starting at 6:30 will cover issues relating to marriage and family and will be led by the new minister, Douglas Keffer. Call 986-0414.

\ FAITH ALLIANCE CHURCH, 7505 Barrens Road in the Hollins area, will present a James Dobson film, "Molder of Dreams," Sunday night at 7.

\ INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL MINISTRIES, an ecumenical agency that trains volunteer chaplains for service in the workplace, is seeking donated space for its national headquarters in the Roanoke Valley.

Lack of money requires its board to give up a rented office on Peters Creek Road, the Rev. Glen Langston, executive director, said. The required 500-square foot office is needed by July 1.

Langston may be called at 265-1837 by possible donors.

\ SOUTHVIEW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH has celebrated the clearing of debt on its church and parsonage. The church at 3539 Peters Creek Road was rebuilt after an arsonist's fire heavily damaged it several years ago.

\ THE ANGELIC CHOIR of High Street Baptist Church will present a program Sunday at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary at 2302 Florida Ave. N.W. Lorraine Pleasants is director.

\ VIRGINIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH will be in Hampton this year June 17 through 20. Moving day for pastors whose reassignments are announced there will be June 27.

The Rev. Eugene Carter, Roanoke District superintendent, noted that six pastors are scheduled to retire this year in the annual rotation of clergy.

\ Also retiring will be Connie Schell, secretary in the district office for the past 22 years. She has worked with five district superintendents.

\ FINCASTLE HOUSE RESOURCE CENTER for Christian educators of several denominations will be moved July 1 from the former Fincastle Presbytery headquarters in Salem to Second Presbyterian Church in Old Southwest Roanoke.

The goal of Presbytery of the Peaks planners is to employ a part-time coordinator.

\ THE REV. CLAY TURNER, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church for the past 15 years, has begun a three-month sabbatical leave. Turner said he hopes to complete work on a doctor of ministry degree he is taking from Princeton Theological Seminary.

The Rev. Elsa Hale, associate rector, will administer the work of the downtown Roanoke church until he returns.

\ AN EAST GERMAN PASTOR, the Rev. Johannes Richter, will speak Sunday at Christ Lutheran Church, 2011 Brandon Ave. S.W. Richter, who has visited the church previously, will preach at 8:30 and 11 a.m. and discuss conditions in his changing country at a 9:45 a.m. forum.

\ PRAISINGERS, a new choral group for single adults without musical training, has been organized at First Baptist Church in downtown Roanoke. Call the Rev. Doyal Spence, minister of music, at 344-6242 for more information.

\ THE REV. JEAN BOZEMAN, a staff member of Lutheran Family Services and the Synod of Virginia in Salem, has been awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Wartburg University in Iowa. Bozeman has been active nationally as a Lutheran Christian educator.

\ A FORMER MISS SOUTH CAROLINA, Christian singer Dawn Jordan, will perform Saturday at 7 p.m. at Ridgewood Baptist Church, 703 Hemlock Road N.W. Jordan, a runner-up in the 1986 Miss America contest, has sung with the Billy Graham evangelistic team and has issued two records. An offering will be taken.

\ ETHEL BORN, United Methodist world mission leader and resident of Salem, has published a new book, "By My Spirit: the Story of Methodist Protestant Women in Mission 1879-1939."

Born's history of a branch of the church now in United Methodism is available from the denominational bookstore in Richmond and from the national office of the church.

Deadline for religion briefs is the Thursday before desired publication. Material must be delivered to Neighbors Religion Briefs, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon in order to run in the following Thursday's edition.

 by CNB