Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 7, 1990                   TAG: 9006080609
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: W-11   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


More than 200 children caught the limit of six trout each in the recent Ernest "Pig" Robertson fishing rodeos, sponsored by the Salem Parks and Recreation Department.

Winners for largest trout and heaviest catch, by age, are listed below: LARGEST TROUT - BOYS

Ages 3-4 - James Logan, first; Caleb Guard, second.

Ages 5-6 - Andy Huff, first; Brian Leftwich, second.

Ages 7-8 - Tommy Zamorski, first; Walter Lee, second.

Ages 9-10 - Justin Cox, first; Scott Foley, second.

Ages 11-12 - Buddy Henegar, first; J.W. Sheppard, second. LARGEST TROUT - GIRLS

Ages 3-4 - Ellen Feazell, first; Kasey St. Clair, second.

Ages 5-6 - Brittany Feazell, first; Lesley Roach, second.

Ages 7-8 - Jennifer Troller, first; Chandler Givens, second.

Ages 9-10 - Gina Arnold, first; DaRee Delby, second.

Ages 11-12 - Terri Mullins, first; Stacy Byrd, second. HEAVIEST CATCH - BOYS

Ages 3-4 - Zack Smith, first; Jeff Adkins, second.

Ages 5-6 - D.W. Pickard, first; Jacob Parr, second.

Ages 7-8 - Chad Frangowlakis, first; Scott Campbell, second.

Ages 9-10 - John Grab, first; Lee Suggs, second.

Ages 11-12 - Shannon Ragland, first; Shawn Caldwell, second. HEAVIEST CATCH - GIRLS

Ages 3-4 - Terri Campbell, first; Mary Gladden, second.

Ages 5-6 - Spring Hale, first; Carey Ertel, second.

Ages 7-8 - Jennifer Kester, first; Mandy Hutchinson, second.

Ages 9-10 - Stephanie Feazell, first; Jessica Merricks, second.

Ages 11-12 - Jessica Holland, first; Melissa Hamilton, second. TROPHIES

Largest trout - ages 3-8: Andy Huff, Jennifer Trolier; ages 9-12: Justin Cox, Buddy Henegar, Gina Arnold.

Heaviest catch - ages 3-8: Zack Smith, Spring Hale; ages 9-12: John Gray, Shannon Ragland, Stephanie Feazell.

 by CNB