Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 8, 1990                   TAG: 9006080060
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: STATE 
DATELINE: ABINGDON                                LENGTH: Short


An Emmy Award-winning actor is dramatizing events in the life of Edgar Allan Poe in a three-week Barter Playhouse one-man show through June 23.

Will Stutts created the play, "A Journey through the Mind . . . Edgar Allan Poe," and has performed it throughout the country and in New York where it was nominated for best off-Broadway play. It was also the basis of the PBS film, "With Poe at Midnight," in which Stutts starred.

"The playhouse provides that perfect, intimate setting for a play of this nature," said Rex Partington, Barter's artistic director and producer.

Stutts has appeared in many Broadway productions, including "Richard II" with Richard Chamberlain, "Queen and the Rebels" with Colleen Dewhurst and "Present Laughter" with George C. Scott. He won his Emmy in 1986 for his narration of the 1986 PBS series, "Great American Authors," and has won top awards from critics' associations in Los Angeles and Chicago.

His show will be presented Tuesday through Saturday evenings and in Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday matinees. Reservations are available by calling 628-3991 locally or toll-free (800) 572-2081.

- Southwest bureau

 by CNB