Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 8, 1990                   TAG: 9006080080
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Roanoke County's School Board selection committee on Thursday appointed Charlsie Pafford to a third four-year term.

All three committee members who attended the meeting supported Pafford, who was challenged by former county Supervisor Lee Garrett.

"Both candidates bring a lot to the table," said J. Carson Quarles. But Pafford "has done a great job. . . . I don't see the justification for making a change. She has earned the right to serve again."

Joe Thomas, chairman of the committee, and W.E. Cundiff cast the other two votes for Pafford.

Two committee members were absent Thursday. Joseph Masters apparently was on his way to the meeting but never arrived. And Tom Worrell is recovering from hip surgery.

The committee interviewed Pafford and Garrett in a closed executive session after a public hearing last week.

One county resident who attended the public hearing and objected to the executive session, Wanda Manuel, was back for Thursday's vote. "I can't believe we're the only two parents who showed up for something so important," she said afterward to the only other resident there, Jane Shupe.

Both women said they were pleased Pafford was reappointed.

Garrett said he was "neither surprised nor disappointed." Pafford "has been a good member of the School Board," he said. "You don't take her kind of experience and toss it aside. I'm very pleased for her."

Garrett said he applied for the seat thinking that Pafford wouldn't seek a third term.

Pafford, 46, is a former teacher and a former president of the Roanoke County Council of PTAs.

In Roanoke County, the School Board is chosen by a five-member committee appointed by the judges of the Circuit Court. The Board of Supervisors tried to get the power to appoint School Board members two years ago, but voters rejected the change.

 by CNB