Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 14, 1990                   TAG: 9006150637
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: N-12   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The Mental Health Association of Roanoke Valley has announced the winners of its annual awards.

The winners are:

Community service - E.B. "Pete" Petersen, for his work with Lewis-Gale Hospital's Business and Community Health Services; the Roanoke Valley Psychiatric Center and its administrator, Janet McKinney, for support of the agency's educational programs; and TRUST, the Roanoke Valley Trouble Center, for its Teenline call-in service for troubled teen-agers.

Media - Television station WVFT, for airing public-service announcements as part of the "Understanding Mental Illness" campaign; and Mike Hudson and Stephanie Klein of the Roanoke Times & World-News for the series "Virginians at Risk," which examined the quality of life in adult homes.

Unsung Hero - Beverly Boehling, for coordinating the social club sponsored by Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic Church at Valley Home for Adults; and Nell Thompson, for advocacy on behalf of individuals with long-term mental illness.

Robert A. Croxson Memorial Award - George K. Bowers, for serving as a liaison between the Roanoke Valley Ministers Conference and its institutional chaplaincy program and for his leadership in developing the Bradley Free Clinic, Youth Haven I and II and Bethany Hall.

Distinguished-Service Award - Velma Seif, for her leadership in bringing the National Institute of Mental Health's "Depression: Awareness, Recognition and Treatment" educational campaign to the Roanoke Valley; and Del. A. Victor Thomas, D-Roanoke, for his support of services for the mentally disabled citizens of the Roanoke Valley and for his commitment to the improvement and expansion of facilities at Catawba Hospital.

Committee Chair of the Year - Susan Blaylock and Nancy Canova, co-chairwomen of the association's Adult Continuing Care Committee, for organizing "A Place to Call Home," a conference on housing options for those with serious long-term mental illness.

Volunteer of the Year - Richard N. Leichtweis, for his involvement with Parent-Child Seminar, the Committee for Children, "I'm Thumbody," at Festival in the Park and the Festival of Trees.

 by CNB