Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 14, 1990                   TAG: 9006150669
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: W-5   EDITION: METRO  
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Salem City Council gave initial approval Monday to an ordinance amendment that will ban virtually all adults from fishing in Lake Spring Pond.

Under the current ordinance, pond fishing is restricted to children 12 years old and younger. People 65 and older and handicapped adults have been allowed to fish in the pond if they provide medical certification that, for health reasons, they are unable to fish elsewhere. Those who qualify are issued a permit.

Should council give the ordinance amendment final approval on June 25, adults no longer will be allowed to fish in Lake Spring Pond, with the exception of special events for nursing home residents and handicapped adults during the annual Ernest "Pig" Robertson Rishing Rodeo.

Martha Robertson, rodeo organizer, complained to council that adults have not adhered to the requirement for permits, often insisting, when questioned, that they have a right to fish wherever they please.

Robertson said $6,900 worth of trout was dropped in the pond for this year's rodeo, an event primarily for children aged 3-12. Adults, most without the required permits, "clean the lake out" after the rodeo, she said.

The adults "can't wait for the rodeo to be over," Robertson said. "Please turn it back to the kids."

In another matter, council gave initial approval to an ordinance authorizing the issuance of a $5 million bond. Bond money has been earmarked for citywide sewer system improvements, a water storage tank, computer upgrading, downtown lighting and an addition to the main fire station.

Council will consider final approval of the ordinance on June 25. Should it pass, city staff will travel to New York to meet with rating agencies and issue an official statement offering the sale of the bonds, Finance Director Frank Turk said. A date will then be set to receive bids for selling bonds, he said.

In other business, council:

Awarded a $95,400 contract for grading work at the James I. Moyer Sports Complex, to Thomas Bros. Inc.

Reappointed E.B. "Pete" Petersen to the Personnel Board.

Agreed to close the treasurer's office, Utility Collections Department, Finance Department and commissioner of revenue's office on June 29 to facilitate an annual audit.


Published correction ran on June 21, 1990 in Neighbors West edition\ Correction

Because of a reporter's error, a story in last Thursday's Neighbors section incorrectly reported that Salem City Council gave initial approval to an ordinance amendment that would prohibit adults from fishing in Lake Spring Pond and that it would go back to council for final approval on June 25. The ordinance was actually approved on an emergency basis and is effective immediately.

Memo: correction

by CNB