Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 14, 1990                   TAG: 9006150726
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: ?????????????????   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


YWCA sets schedule for summer day camps

The YWCA of Roanoke Valley will hold "Super Summer Day Camps" at its Central and Salem locations.

The weekly camps will run from June 18 through Aug. 24 from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Each week costs $55 plus current YWCA membership. Swimming, field trips, sports, movies and crafts will be among the activities available.

Children ages 5-8 will be at the Salem center and ages 9-12 will be at the Central center. The children may be dropped off and picked up at the center most convenient for parents; the YWCA will transport them to the appropriate center.

Program discounts are available when more than one child from a family is enrolled or when full payment is made for the 10 weeks. Full or partial scholarships are available for qualifying applicants, based on financial need.

To receive a camp brochure and registration form, call 345-9922 or 389-8782. VFW Post 1264 elects officers for 1990-91

John H. Keyser has been elected commander for 1990-91 of Howard J. McDowell Veterans of Foreign Wars Keyser Post 1264.

Other officers are Harvey Barker, senior vice commander; Harold Worrell, junior vice commander; Richard Assaid, chaplain; Irving Manning, quartermaster; and William L. Carter, trustee.

The post recently bought the former Fiesta Cantina building at 3805 Melrose Ave. N.W. and is remodeling the interior to be used for meetings and a club. The building is expected to be ready for occupancy in June.

The post also gave a $250 donation to Jeffrey Willoughby, a Cave Spring High School student who has been invited to compete in a track and field meet this summer in the Soviet Union. Medical auxiliary installs new officers

Eileen Harris has been installed as president of the Roanoke Academy of Medicine Auxiliary for 1990-91.

Other officers are Gwen Hauser, president-elect; Joyce Rice, vice president; Lori Silberblatt, recording secretary; Judy Monahan, corresponding secretary; Carol White, treasurer; and Terry Via, assistant treasurer.

The group also honored Ruth DeVerter, its immediate past president, at its recent meeting. The auxiliary is celebrating its 25th anniversary of service to health-related projects. Survey to assess needs of Fifth District elderly

The League of Older Americans will conduct a survey in the Roanoke Valley to determine current needs of the area's elderly. The survey will begin Friday.

Trained volunteers and league staff members will administer the 20-minute questionnaire to 400 randomly selected people 60 and older in Roanoke, Salem, Vinton and Roanoke County. All information will be treated confidentially.

Those conducting the survey will be identified with League of Older Americans name badges and survey packets. Questioning will take place during daylight hours, except for call-backs at pre-arranged times. The survey should be concluded by the end of August. A second survey in the fall will reach more rural areas of the Fifth Planning District. For more information, call Susan Williams at 345-0451. Lansdowne to host mock wedding June 22

A mock wedding will be held June 22 at Lansdowne Park public housing development.

The annual program is designed to encourage family values, Lansdowne manager Alice C. Johnson said. This year's program, to be held at 3:30 p.m. at the housing development's main entrance, is scheduled to include at least three sets of brides and grooms - including senior citizens, young adults and young children.

The public is invited. Museum to sponsor summer science camps

The Science Museum of Western Virginia is offering Summer Science Camps for preschoolers through those entering the 10th grade.

The programs are designed to introduce and reinforce basic scientific concepts appropriate to the students' grade levels. Faculty include science museum educators, professional photographers, staff of the Janus Learning Center, early education specialists, Hopkins Planetarium staff and faculty from the Roanoke Magnet Schools.

Advance registration is required in person or by calling 342-5710. Episcopal preschool accepting applications

St. James Episcopal Church Preschool, at 4515 Delray St. N.W., is accepting applications for the 1990-91 school year.

The developmental curriculum is for 3- and 4-year-olds, with two-, three- and five-day programs available. For more information, call 366-4157 or 389-3921.

 by CNB