Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 15, 1990                   TAG: 9006150744
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


New ministers will come to United Methodist churches in Dublin, Pulaski, Pearisburg and West Galax as a result of the annual reassignment of pastors.

Announcement of those and many other changes was made Thursday at the close of the Holston Annual Conference of the denomination in Lake Junaluska, N.C.

The conference covers churches west of New River and a few other congregations nearby. The Virginia Conference, which covers the rest of the state, is meeting next week in Hampton. Its assignments will be announced Wednesday.

Charles Lockerby, at Dublin for seven years, will go to the Bearden Church in Knoxville, Tenn., and be succeeded by Larry Ousley Sr., who has been on the conference headquarters staff in Johnson City, Tenn.

First Church of Pearisburg will receive Warren Stewart, who is coming from Norton. He will succeed John Wikle, who is retiring. Gary Bishop, who has been at Fairview in Knoxville, was assigned to West Galax. The Galax pastor, Stephen Blakemore, will move to First Church at Independence.

The associate pastor of First Church in Pulaski will be Priscilla Bryan, a student.

As previously announced, the Wytheville District will receive a new superintendent, Fred Austin, who comes from First Church of Marion. He succeeds Robert Wilcox, who is retiring.

The new Marion pastor will be J.N. Howard, who has been at the Brainerd Church of Chattanooga, Tenn. Howard formerly was in Pulaski.

Other announcements included:

Alfred Furr, Floyd Circuit, succeeds Elaine Eberhart, who goes to the staff of Emory University in Atlanta; and David Olinger Jr. leaves the Little Walker Circuit for the Spring Valley Circuit, with Little Walker to be supplied by a lay person. Dale Wyrick will come to Mount Pleasant Church in the Wytheville District from the New River Circuit to succeed Rae Mullins, who goes to Kingsport's Stone Drive/St. Mark Charge.

The Rural Retreat Circuit will be served by Thomas Martin, who has been at Spring Valley.

Carter Street Church in Pulaski will be served by Harold Russell, currently at the Nickelsville Circuit. The current Pulaski pastor, Anthony Collins, will move to Rutherford Memorial Church in Knoxville.

 by CNB