Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 19, 1990                   TAG: 9006190093
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: DENVER                                LENGTH: Short


Georgetown coach John Thompson is considering an offer to become general manager of the Denver Nuggets.

"He's been approached with an opportunity and he's deciding whether he wants to pursue it further," said David Falk, Thompson's agent, Monday. "His present intentions are to remain, but I'm not suggesting something couldn't change.

This is not the first time an NBA team has tried to woo Thompson from Georgetown, where he has an 18-year record of 423-142. Several NBA teams have approached Thompson, including the Seattle SuperSonics in 1988, Falk said.

"This is an annual thing with John," he said. "Where it goes from here is up to John. There have been discussions, but no agreement."

Thompson met Sunday with Nuggets owners Peter Bynoe, Bertram Lee and Bob Wussler in Washington, D.C.

"I would say I'll be coaching at Georgetown next year," Thompson, 48, said in Monday's late editions of USA Today. "That's what I believe will happen, [but] we are exploring our options. I think I owe it to myself to listen anytime somebody proposes something to me."

The newspaper said Thompson was offered a $700,000-a-year contract for four or five years and was given an option to buy almost four percent ownership of the team, depending on how long he stayed with the club.

"Negotiations with John are close, but you never know about these things, Wussler said.

"I'm not looking to leave," Thompson said. "I have always had great respect and admiration for the Denver people, and I have even more now."

 by CNB