Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 21, 1990                   TAG: 9006210064
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: LYNCHBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


Eleven players from Timesland have been picked to participate in the Virginia High School Coaches' Association all-star basketball doubleheader on July 9 at Liberty University.

The girls' game, which starts at 6:30 p.m., features six players from Timesland, including Salem's Lynn Holliday, who was The Associated Press Group AA player of the year this past season.

Others selected are Cave Spring's Kay Caldwell and Courtney Williams, George Wythe's Rose Ellis and Anne Fontaine, and Parry McCluer's Dawn Coleman.

Fort Chiswell's D'Lynn Anderson, the Group A and Timesland player of the year, is bypassing the game to play in an AAU national tournament that same week.

Playing for the West in the boys' game that starts at 8 p.m. are Tunstall's John Breedlove, Blacksburg's Jay Purcell, Franklin County's Mark Mitchell, George Wythe's Jamie Lee and James River's Maurice Davenport.

Kendrick Warren of Thomas Jefferson-Richmond, Reggie Waddy of Robert E. Lee-Staunton and David Johnson of Fluvanna County head the East team for the boys' game. The three were selected players of the year by The Associated Press on its all-state basketball teams this past season. Warren beat out South Lakes' Grant Hill for Group AAA honors, Waddy was the top player in Group AA and Johnson was tops in Group A.


Shawn Walker, 5-11, York; Gannon Baker, 6-1, Hampton; David Johnson, 6-1, Fluvanna; Darrell Paul, 6-7, Deep Creek; Rendell Miller, 6-3, Manchester; Lawrence Johnson, 6-3, Bayside; Chad Edwards, 6-4, Spotswood; Don Burgess, 6-6, Harrisonburg; Corey Stewart, 6-7, Bethel; Reggie Waddy, 6-7, R.E. Lee-Staunton; Kendrick Warren, 6-8, Thomas Jefferson-Richmond; Allen Shifflett, 6-9, James Monroe.

Coaches: Munro Rateau, Fluvanna, head coach; Ronald Jenkins, Bayside; Paul Hatcher, Robert E. Lee; Glenn Rudacille, Varina.


Waverly Harris, 5-10, Halifax County; Mark Mitchell, 6-0, Franklin County; John Breedlove, 6-2, Tunstall; Jay Purcell, 6-3, Blacksburg; Maurice Davenport, 6-4, James River; Jamie Lee, 6-4, George Wythe; Kenya Hunter, 6-2, Wakefield; Skip Saunders, 6-3, Gar-Field; Larry Jeffries, 6-5, George Washington-Danville; Sylvester Paynes, 6-5, J.E.B. Stuart; Trazel Silvers, 6-5, Ervinton; Tim Pennix, 6-6, E.C. Glass.

Coaches: John Shotwell, James River, head coach; Husky Hall, Martinsville; Ed Holstrom, Franklin County; Alfred Wilson, Buckingham.


Lisa Rice, 5-2, Gloucester; Nikki Tinsley, 5-6 1/2, Park View-Sterling; Anita Jackson, 5-8, Culpeper; Juanita Cook, 5-8, Phoebus; Natasha Cox, 5-8, Rappahannock; Susan Hessenauer, 5-8, Park View-Sterling; Catherine Harlow, 5-10, Fort Defiance; Marilyn Gayton, 5-11, Tabb; Erin Addesso, 6-0, Salem-Virginia Beach; Monica Hart, 6-2, Phoebus; Helen Holloway, 6-0, Norview; Angela Walton, 6-1, Powhatan; Andrea Woodson, 6-3, Waynesboro.

Coaches: Andrew Hence, Middlesex, head coach; Mike Tallon, Phoebus; Randy Coulling, Waynesboro; Catherine Johnson, Madison County.


Melanie Rasnick, 5-4 1/2, Clintwood; Courtney Williams, 5-4, Cave Spring; Kay Caldwell, 5-6, Cave Spring; Anne Fontaine, 5-7, George Wythe; Lynn Holliday, 5-8, Salem; Karen Wiliams, 5-8, E.C. Glass; Jenny Karl, 5-9, Stonewall Jackson; Sonja Harris, 5-10 1/2, Brookville; Chantel Schwandt, 5-9, James Robinson; Dawn Coleman, 5-11, Parry McCluer; Rose Ellis, 5-11, George Wythe; Tausha Williams, 6-0, Altavista.

Coaches: William Deel, Clintwood, head coach; Mary Copenhaver, George Wythe; Tracey Schneiss, James Robinson; Linda Thayer, John Battle. - Staff report

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