Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 21, 1990                   TAG: 9006210121
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: NORTON                                LENGTH: Medium


Two former governors, a former secretary of economic development and the presidents of seven corporations, including two from Roanoke, were named Wednesday as advisers to the Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority.

Del. Ford C. Quillen, D-Scott, who sponsored the legislation creating the authority, announced the appointments in Norton.

The authority's chairman is Hugh Stallard, president and chief executive officer of C&P Telephone in Richmond.

The advisers will include former Govs. Gerald L. Baliles, now a partner with the Richmond-based law firm of Hunton and Williams, and Linwood Holton, president of the Center for Innovative Technology in Herndon.

Also appointed was Curry Roberts, a former economic-development secretary who manages Albemarle Farms in Charlottesville.

Along with Stallard, the company presidents who were appointed are John T. Hazel of Hazel-Peterson Cos. in Fairfax; Warner Dalhouse of Dominion Bank in Roanoke; James McGlothlin of The United Co. in Bristol; Carl Smith of Amvest Corp. in Charlottesville; Joe Vipperman of Appalachian Power Co. of Roanoke; and Arnold McKinnon of Norfolk Southern Corp. of Norfolk.

"This board amounts to a who's who in Virginia business and government leaders, and I feel it will be a tremendous asset in assisting VCEDA to revitalize Southwest Virginia," Quillen said.

The authority was created by the 1988 General Assembly to boost economic development in the seven counties and one city in Virginia's coalfield region. The group gets about $2 million annually from a local coal and natural-gas severance tax.

 by CNB