Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, June 27, 1990                   TAG: 9006270340
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Laurance S. Rockefeller has given Princeton University $21 million to create a center for the study and teaching of human values, the university announced Tuesday.

The new Center for Human Values is expected to offer undergraduate courses and graduate seminars in areas such as religion, culture and morality; ethics and international politics; moral education and development; and philosophy and public affairs.

The 80-year-old philanthropist and conservationist is a 1932 Princeton graduate. Rockefeller's undergraduate thesis was "The Concept of Value - and Its Relation to Ethics."

Paul Mellon, a member of one of the families that founded Carnegie Mellon University, has given $5 million to the school, officials said Tuesday.

Mellon's gift will be used toward the construction of a campus performing arts center. The center is expected to cost $10 million.

"A vibrant performing arts center will enhance Carnegie Mellon's strength in arts education and the university's role as one of Pittsburgh's great cultural resources," Mellon said in a statement.

Mellon, who was raised in Pittsburgh but now lives in Virginia, made his donation as part of a five-year campaign he started in 1986 with a $10 million gift. The campaign exceeded its $200 million goal by $4 million with Mellon's latest gift, officials said.

Michael J. Anderson, who danced and babbled in backward English during a dream sequence on ABC's "Twin Peaks," has been arrested in Egremont, Mass., on a charge of hashish possession.

The 3-foot-7 actor was arrested Monday after a car in which he was a passenger was stopped for a bent license plate, police said.

James Caan will marry a woman raised in the same New York City neighborhood where he grew up two decades earlier, his publicist said.

Caan, 49, and Ingrid Hajek, 29, announced their engagement Tuesday and said they plan to marry later this year, said spokesman Paul Bloch.

"They grew up a few blocks apart in Sunnyside, New York, and went to the same public school, P.S. 150," said Bloch. "However, they only met two years ago when they were introduced by mutual friends."

 by CNB