Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 28, 1990                   TAG: 9006290667
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: S-12   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


Summer day camp set for West End children

Summer Enrichment, a day camp for children in the West End neighborhood of Roanoke, will be in session Monday through July 27.

It will be held at West End United Methodist Church, 13th Street and Campbell Avenue Southwest. Free except for a $1 registration charge, it is for children of kindergarten through elementary school level.

The program for children who can walk from their homes will be in session Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Application forms are available from two of the sponsoring churches, Greene Memorial United Methodist or West End. Other churches supporting the program are Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic and St. John's Episcopal.

Mary Ann Scott, a supporter, said the camp has a limit of 75 children. Campers receive free lunch provided by the four sponsoring churches as well as swimming lessons twice weekly, field trips and supervised recreation.

Bank manager named club's woman of year

Nedra Gordon has been elected Woman of the Year by the Shenandoah chapter of the American Business Women's Association.

Gordon is assistant vice president at Dominion Bank and manages the Towers branch. She has served as chairwoman of several chapter committees and currently serves as corresponding secretary.

Management group elects new officers

E.C. Dunbar, president of Roanoke Gas Co., has been elected chairman of the Management Association of Western Virginia, formerly Roanoke Valley Industries. He follows Robert D. Webster, Roanoke Division manager of Appalachian Power Co.

Other officers named are Tom Jones, vice chairman, and Spencer Frantz, secretary-treasurer. New directors elected by the association are Houston Bell Jr., John Clarke, Floyd Firing, William Neal, Tim Layton, Ken Laughon, Karl Miller, Kent Greenawalt, Clinton Morse, Lawrence Ptaschek, John Higgins, John Frye, Dunbar and Jones, all of the Roanoke Valley, and Abe Essig, Rocky Mount.

Banking association elects 1990-91 officers

Jackie Welch of Crestar Bank has been elected president of the Roanoke chapter of the American Institute of Banking.

Other officers for 1990-91 are Ron Doss, First National Bank of Rocky Mount/Bedford, vice president for education; Bonnie Evans, Crestar, vice president for marketing; Earl Gravely, Crestar, vice president for finance; and Rita Ferguson, First Virginia Bank/Franklin County, secretary.

Five schools complete environmental projects

Five Roanoke public schools have successfully completed Environmental Awareness Grants Program projects.

The schools developed environmental-awareness objectives and implemented staff and student activities to carry them out. Examples of the activities include separation of recyclable trash, adoption of a cleanup area in a public park, implemenation of an environmental-awareness study unit, development of home energy audits by pupils and planting trees and flowers on school grounds.

Each school selected for the program received $3 per pupil to be used for instructional materials and supplies. The grant money came in part from proceeds of the schools' paper-recycling program.

The grants provided to each school were: Garden City Elementary, $873; Monterey Elementary, $1,392; Raleigh Court Elementary, $1,077; Addison Middle, $1,065; and Woodrow Wilson Middle, $1,260.

Businesswomen elect officers for 1990-91

Helen Watson has been elected president of the Roanoke Business & Professional Women/USA for 1990-91.

Other officers are Barbara Shelton, president-elect; Patricia Quillen, first vice president; Carlyn Benson, second vice president; Mary Lee Loope, recording secretary; Pat Honts, corresponding secretary; Janet Pratt, treasurer; Barbara Weddle, nominating chairman; and Mary Crotts, parliamentarian.

Kidney fund elects Roanoker president

Susan D. Molumphy of Roanoke has been elected president of the American Kidney Fund for a two-year term.

Molumphy, who is affiliated with Brambleton Family Physicians, is a psychotherapist whose association with the fund came about through her interest in the family stresses associated with chronic illnesses. She serves as a consultant to Roanoke-area dialysis centers and is a volunteer at the Bradley Free Clinic of the Roanoke Valley.

The American Kidney Fund provides financial assistance, educational programs, research grants and community service projects for the benefit of kidney patients.

League announces prizes for fund-raiser

Weekend trips and other travel-related items are prizes in a drawing being held by the League of Older Americans.

Funds raised will benefit programs that the non-profit league provides for the elderly population of the Fifth Planning District. The drawing for prizes will be held July 23. Tickets may be obtained from the league's offices, including the central office at 706 Campbell Ave., Roanoke (345-0451). STORY #7375 TOPIC KEYWORDBRIEFS DESK AUTHOR:HANDLEY06/28/90 south nabors briefs for 6/28 Summer day camp set for West End children

Summer Enrichment, a day camp for

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