Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, July 2, 1990                   TAG: 9007020008
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Cat Stevens, the former pop singer, now known as Yusuf Islam, was barred from entering Israel Sunday by passport officials.

Airport officials in Tel Aviv said Islam, who took his name after converting to the Moslem faith, was turned away as "an undesirable" along with his 8-year-old son, Mohammed, after their British Airways jet landed about 4 a.m.

They were met on arrival by passport officials and held at the airport for about four hours until the flight returned to London, officials said.

One official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Islam and his son accepted the decision quietly. The passport agents were acting on instructions from the Interior Ministry, he said.

Islam, a British citizen born Stephen Demetri Georgiou, gave up his singing career a decade ago after his religious conversion. He had a string of hits in the early 1970s, including "Peace Train" and "Morning Has Broken."

He has been in the headlines recently for supporting the death sentence issued by Iran against author Salman Rushdie.

Prince Charles left the hospital Sunday with his right arm in a cast and sling after breaking it during a polo match.

"You can all go home at last," he told reporters and photographers who had staked out the hospital entry since Thursday, when the heir to the British throne suffered two fractures in his right arm.

Princess Diana, celebrating her 29th birthday, was by Charles' side as he thanked doctors and nurses at Cirencester Hospital.

"There is still some pain but the swelling is going down in the shoulder and the right arm. He is in good spirits," said the prince's spokesman, Dickie Arbiter.

The 41-year-old prince, an avid polo player for 25 years, underwent a 45-minute operation to set the two breaks above the elbow of his right arm.

Charles was riding his pony, Echo, and playing for his team, Windsor Park, in the semifinal of the Warwickshire Cup against Hildon when he fell.

 by CNB