Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, July 3, 1990                   TAG: 9006300303
SOURCE: Compiled by Kim Sunderland
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


DAVID P. DUNCAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Duncan of Christiansburg, was on the dean's list at High Point College, High Point, N.C., for the spring academic term.

Duncan is a business and economics major.

\ WILLIAM M. DEEMER JR., son of William M. Deemer of Blacksburg, made the dean's list at James Madison University for the spring term.

Deemer is a political science major.

\ PAUL E. TORGERSON of Blacksburg, head of the industrial engineering and operations research department at Virginia Tech, received a Distinguished Alumnus Award from Ohio State University in Columbus.

Torgerson received his master of science and doctoral degrees from Ohio State in 1956 and 1959.

\ MELANIE BURROUGHS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burroughs of Elliston, was on the dean's list for the spring term at Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa.

Burroughs is a 1989 graduate of Shawsville High School.

\ HOLLY FRANCES HARTSON, a 1988 graduate of Christiansburg High School, was on the dean's list at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for the fourth consecutive semester.

She is a junior and a Johnston Scholar, a student honored for exceptional academic and leadership qualities.

\ CHRISTY KENNA LUCENTO of Christiansburg was on the dean's list for the spring semester at Concord College in Athens, W.Va.

\ VICTOR S. KAUFMAN of Blacksburg received the $200 Earl G. and Henrietta Jones Darby scholarship for the 1990-91 school year at Kansas State University.

On Campus items may be sent to the Roanoke Times & World-News' New River Valley bureau at P.O. Box 540, Christiansburg, Va. 24073.

 by CNB