Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, July 3, 1990                   TAG: 9007030250
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: STATE 
DATELINE: CLIFTON FORGE                                LENGTH: Short


The chairman of the Greater Alleghany Highlands Economic Development Commission has been chosen as this city's mayor.

Johnny Wright, a Virginia Power employee, was elected to council May 1 in his first bid for elective office.

Also elected to council was businessman Joe Anderson, who had served on council previously. Both attended Monday's meeting, the first since the election.

Mayor Nancy Slusser and Vice Mayor Russell Smith were defeated in their re-election bids in May.

The city's voters elect five council members, and the council members - at their reorganizational meeting each July - choose one of their number as mayor and another as vice mayor.

The vote for Wright was unanimous, with no other nominations made.

The selection for vice mayor did not go as smoothly. After Councilman Jack Kimberlin nominated Bob Deaton, a retired city treasurer, Anderson nominated Rob Drewry, a dean at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College.

On a roll-call vote, both Drewry and Deaton abstained. Drewry also gained Wright's vote, but the 2-1 vote did not constitute a majority.

City Attorney Jeff Crackel ruled that until one candidate receives a majority, the city has no vice mayor.

The council unanimously reappointed V. Craig Hudson as clerk to council and Steve Carter as city manager.

 by CNB