Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, July 3, 1990                   TAG: 9007030341
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Police are investigating two robberies and two incidents involving knives that occurred in Roanoke over the weekend.

A police spokesman Monday gave these descriptions of the cases:

Bernard Hash, an employee of the Pizza Hut at 4005 Melrose Ave. N.W., reported that a man with a small handgun came into the restaurant about 9:20 p.m. Saturday and demanded money.

The man, who seemed to be drunk, took the cash and ran away.

Raymond Albert Jones, an employee of the C-Mart at 801 Franklin Road S.W., reported that two men came to the door as he was closing the convenience store about 10:40 p.m. Sunday.

Jones said the men, one brandishing a shotgun, pushed him back inside. They took the money bag, pushed Jones to the floor and ran down an alley.

Police arrived at a home in the 1300 block of Gilmer Avenue Northwest late Saturday to find Ronnie Sylvester Divers bleeding from stab wounds.

Divers, 40, who lived at the address, had been stabbed in his stomach, side and arm. Divers said he had fought with his girlfriend.

The girlfriend told police that Divers had begun to beat another woman, and she had gotten the knife to come to the other woman's rescue. No charges had been filed Monday.

Divers was treated at Community Hospital of Roanoke Valley.

A man was getting into his car in a store parking lot at 1419 Hershberger Road N.W. Saturday night when he found another man inside the vehicle.

The car owner, Richard Lee McCulley Sr., 48, of Roanoke, reported that the intruder was obviously drunk. McCulley said the man at first said he had gotten into the wrong car, but then pulled out two knives and began to wave them.

Several store employees came to McCulley's aid. The man ran away and was apprehended nearby by police. At first, police said, the man waved the knives at officers, but then he threw them on top of a police car.

Roy Allen Reed, 30, of the 600 block of Montrose Avenue Southeast, was charged with assault, being drunk in public and property damage.

 by CNB