Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 5, 1990                   TAG: 9007050113
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: CALLAWAY                                  LENGTH: Short


Kenny Minter spent all week repairing his damaged race car and the effort paid off Wednesday night when he won the 100-lap, $2,500 Coca-Cola Late Model Stock Car feature at Franklin County Speedway.

Minter took the lead on the first lap from pole-sitter Dudley Lawhorn of Rustburg and held off Frankie Pennington to win his first LMSC feature ever at the speedway.

A caution flag on the 98th lap gave Pennington his chance at victory, but Minter got the jump on the restart and held on.

Gerald Compton chased Minter the first 76 laps but was involved in a crash on turn four.

Paul Radford was third, followed by Tim McGuire, Dicky Wilson, Rick Sigmon, Jay Foley, M.E. Fink, Andy Roberts and Larry Hodges.

Jay Foley of Stuart won the 35-lap Street Stock race, beating Randy Arrington and Kenny Wagner to the finish line. Jimmy Mullins and Dale Marlowe were next.

Sonny Arrington led from flag-to-flag in taking the Mini Stock feature. Shelby Cundiff and Teddy Quesenberry followed Arrington.

Roger Mullins of Henry beat out 28 drivers and survived a rash of wrecks to capture the $1,000 purse in the 50-lap Any Car event. - Staff report

 by CNB