Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, July 6, 1990                   TAG: 9007060218
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: The New York Times
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


American League President Bobby Brown on Thursday suspended four Seattle Mariners, four Milwaukee Brewers and Milwaukee manager Tom Trebelhorn for their actions in a 28-minute fight between the baseball teams Saturday night in Seattle.

The action is believed to be the largest mass suspension in major-league history.

Five-game suspensions were given to Trebelhorn and Bob Sebra, a Milwaukee pitcher who was assigned Wednesday to the Brewers' minor-league team in Denver. Sebra set off the melee when he hit Tracy Jones of the Mariners with a pitch and later admitted he did it intentionally. The Mariners won the game 6-2.

Gary Sheffield, Mike Felder and B.J. Surhoff of the Brewers were assessed three-game suspensions.

For the Mariners, Jones, Gene Harris, Randy Johnson and Jeff Shaefer each received a three-game suspension.

Sebra's suspension will not take effect unless he rejoins the major-league club. All the other players filed notices of their intent to appeal and will remain eligible to play pending the outcome of hearings on the cases.

Trebelhorn said he would not appeal and began serving his suspension. Don Baylor, a coach, managed the Brewers on Thursday in their 4-3 victory over the Oakland Athletics in Milwaukee.

"I'm dead; no use in waiting for the funeral," said Trebelhorn. His role in the brawl was described as provocative by several Seattle players, including Shaefer, who said, "If you review the tapes, you'll see Jim [Lefebvre] pulling guys out but Trebelhorn was diving back in." Lefebvre is Seattle's manager.

Although the dates for the beginning of the suspensions became academic with the players' decision to appeal, a spokeswoman for Brown said the league president had staggered the bans to ease the burden on each team.

For the Brewers, Sheffield's suspension was to take effect Thursday; Surhoff's and Felder's were to begin July 11.

For the Mariners, the suspensions of Jones and Harris were to start Thursday and those of Johnson and Shaefer were to begin July 11.

The spokeswoman said Brown would not comment on his rulings while the appeals were pending.

Following league policy, no mention was made of fines.

Spokeswomen for both major leagues said they knew of no larger mass suspensions. Five players and both managers were suspended in 1984 after a prolonged fight between the Atlanta Braves and the San Diego Padres.


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