Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, July 8, 1990                   TAG: 9007060015
SOURCE: compiled by Lynn A. Coyle
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


\ DOUGLAS H. HYRE has been named a partner, vice president and general manager of Harris Office Furniture Co. Inc., a Roanoke-based company offering office furnishings and interior-design services throughout Virginia. Hyre, who joined the sales staff at Harris in 1980, will continue to work in sales.

\ STUART EDWARD "SKIP" WALLS has joined The Homestead as national sales manager. His responsibilities include the insurance market, major incentive houses and developing association and national corporate business. Walls comes from Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tenn., where he was corporate sales manager.\

Colleges and universities

\ SUSAN L. WILEY has been named special events coordinator for the Donaldson Brown Center at Virginia Tech, responsible for planning and organizing special events and food functions for departments within the university. She was the marketing specialist for the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Roanoke.

\ WILLIAM WINGFIELD has been named coordinator of facilities management at Virginia Western Community College.

\ RACHEL FOWLKES has been promoted to statewide coordinator of teacher recertification for the University of Virginia's Division of Continuing Education.

\ REBECCA LOCKE LEONARD, formerly of Roanoke, has been named assistant dean for student affairs at the University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce. \ Banking Crestar Bank has announced the following promotions: FREDERICK N. BRITT, middle market division manager, to senior vice president; ROBERT P. BURTON, corporate division manager, to senior vice president; BARRY L. HENDERSON, small business division manager, to senior vice president; WILLIAM H. TUTTLE, private banking division manager, to senior vice president; GEORGE W. COLEMAN JR., commercial account manager, to senior vice president; Pamela M. Cooke, manager of the Towers office, to assistant vice president; Michael A. Hamilton, manager of the Lewis Gale office to assistant vice president; and William B. Corbin, manager of real estate/tenant services, to assistant vice president.

\ RONALD W. WILLS and JOHN C. ASBURY have been named assistant vice presidents at Sovran Bank.i

The following people have been elected officers at Dominion Bankshares Corp.: SHEA T. CHANEY, financial systems officer; CHRISTOPHER A. DAVIS, human resources officer; CAROLYN A. MILLS, audit officer; and RONALD N. REYNOLDS, human resources officer.


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