Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 12, 1990                   TAG: 9007120369
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Councilman Beverly Fitzpatrick Jr. has been named chairman of Roanoke's Economic Development Commission, succeeding James Trout who had headed the group since it was formed eight years ago.

The appointment was part of the realignment of Roanoke City Council committees because of the departure of Trout and Robert Garland, whose terms ended June 30.

Trout was defeated in the May council election, and Garland did not seek a new term.

The Economic Development Commission, composed mainly of business leaders and others in the industrial development field, oversees efforts to recruit new businesses and industries and the development of industrial parks.

Fitzpatrick is vice president for economic development and legislative affairs for Dominion Bankshares. In his campaign for council two years ago, he made jobs and economic development a main issue.

In recent years, the Economic Development Commission has overseen development of the Roanoke Centre for Industry and Technology, a 300-acre industrial park off U.S. 460. The city has purchased 142 acres to expand the park.

Councilman William White has been appointed chairman of council's Bid Committee, which reviews bids on construction and equipment and makes recommendations to council. All bids on projects expected to cost more than $15,000 are opened by council and reviewed by the Bid Committee. Garland had been chairman of the committee for eight years.

White, who took office July 1, is a partner in an accounting firm and a former School Board member.

White also has been appointed to council's Audit Committee and the Virginia Museum of Transportation board of directors.

Council uses a committee system - similar to the General Assembly and Congress - so that major issues are considered by committees before they are submitted to the full council.

Councilman James Harvey, who has returned to council after a two-year absence, has been appointed to the Water Resources Committee.

Harvey also will serve as council's liaison to the Roanoke Civic Center Commission, which governs the center. He succeeds Garland in that position.

Harvey also has been named to the city's Transportation Safety Commission and the Downtown Housing Task Force.

Vice Mayor Howard Musser will remain chairman of the city's Personnel Committee and the Regional Cable Television Committee. He also will continue as council's liaison to the Mill Mountain Zoo.

Councilwoman Elizabeth Bowles will remain head of the Water Resources Committee and the city's representative on Total Action Against Poverty's board of directors. Councilman David Bowers will continue as chairman of the Audit Committee and council's liaison to the Redevelopment and Housing Authority.

All council members serve on the city's Personnel Committee and the Greater Roanoke Transit Co. board of directors. Several council members also serve on several smaller committees. These include the War Memorial Committee, Arts Commission and Mill Mountain Development Committee.

 by CNB