Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 12, 1990                   TAG: 9007130541
DATELINE: BUCHANAN                                LENGTH: Medium


Construction has begun on the town's $1-million sewer treatment plant. Al Frazier of Clean Water Engineers, the town's consulting engineer on the project, reported to Town Council Monday on the progress done by Boothe Construction of Farmville.

"So far about 1 percent of the work has been completed," said Frazier, who also reported that Manhole Inc. of Virginia Beach would replace and repair 13 manholes and 20 covers for $29,575.

Frazier said Manhole's work would be a permanent solution to the inflow problems the town has.

Mayor Stull Carson said the water-inflow problem is the town's biggest concern. When the James River is up, some of the water flows into the leaky manholes and spills into the sewer treatment plant, where it is being treated.

"The plant is designed to treat only so much water, and the state Water Control Board has told us this has to be repaired."

Council passed a motion to offer Manhole Inc. $25,000 to do the repairs.

"If they won't accept that, then we'll meet again and discuss what to do. But I can tell you right now that this stuff has to be done during warm weather, so we need to decide something as soon as possible."

In other business, council:

Voted to enact a 4-percent meals tax that will start Aug. 1. No one showed up for a public hearing on the tax that would be on prepared food and beverages.

Postponed appointing a vice mayor until Marvin Williams, the newest Town Council member, gets back in town. Carson said that since Williams and Lottie Burks tied for the highest number of votes in the May election, council agreed that one of them should be vice mayor.

Received its first audit from Bob Benson, the town's new auditor.

Benson said the town is in "good shape" and has a 1990 cash balance of $550,000, including $321,000 for the sewer treatment expansion. "The town's revenues have increased, and its expenses have remained about the same over the past few years."

 by CNB