Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, July 13, 1990                   TAG: 9007130481
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Nominees for the position of U.S. attorney for the Western District of Virginia, including two Roanoke lawyers, were announced Thursday by U.S. Sen. John Warner, R-Va.

Robert Goodlatte, a partner in the Roanoke law firm of Bird, Kinder & Huffman, and E. Montgomery Tucker, first assistant U.S. attorney for the Western District, were two of seven candidates recommended to President Bush.

Goodlatte graduated from Bates College in 1974 and received a juris doctor degree in 1977 from Washington and Lee University School of Law. He is former Sixth District Republican chairman and was a Bush delegate to the 1988 Republican national convention.

Tucker received both a bachelor's and juris doctor degrees from Washington and Lee University. He was an associate with the law firm of Hunton and Williams from 1970-73 and since 1976 has been the first assistant to the U.S. attorney for the Western District.

"Recommending candidates for nomination as U.S. attorney is an extremely important task," Warner said in a letter sent Thursday to Bush. "I solicit the views and suggestions of a wide variety of Virginians - and conduct personal interviews - in an effort to find the best qualified candidates to forward for your consideration and nomination."

Warner asked that all seven candidates receive full consideration.

"At least until such time as the Justice Department has conducted its preliminary screening, I am not expressing a preference for any of the candidates," Warner wrote.

Incumbent U.S. Attorney John Perry Alderman announced in January that he would retire shortly after his term expired in June and return to his home in Hillsville to begin a private practice. Today is his last day in office.

Other candidates are:

Rod Layman of Pulaski, a partner in the firm of Crowell, Nuckols, Layman & Aust.

Everett Shockley, commonwealth's attorney for Pulaski County.

Terry Teel of Christiansburg, who is in private practice.

Jerry Kilgore, of Gate City, an assistant U.S. attorney in Abingdon.

Randall Lowe of Abingdon, a partner in the firm of Yeary, Tate, Lowe & Jessee.

 by CNB