Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 14, 1990                   TAG: 9007140153
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Ronald Lee Henderson, facing a possible death sentence in the killing of a college student from Roanoke, will fight extradition from Oregon to Virginia.

Pat Hanley, deputy district attorney of Baker County, Ore., confirmed Henderson's decision Friday afternoon.

Henderson was one of two men charged with capital murder, abduction and robbery in connection with the Jan. 5 death of Leann Whitlock, a James Madison University student who died after disappearing from the parking lot of a Harrisonburg shopping mall.

Last month, an Augusta County jury set the death penalty for Tommy David Strickler after hearing testimony that Whitlock was killed when a 69-pound boulder was dropped on her head.

Henderson's extradition could take up to three months, Hanley had said earlier this week. She had recommended earlier that Augusta County Commonwealth's Attorney A. Lee Ervin begin preparing extradition papers.

Ervin will have to file a request for extradition with Gov. Douglas Wilder, who in turn would forward the request to Oregon Gov. Neil Goldschmidt. The deadline to submit the request to Goldschmidt is Aug. 31, Hanley said. Then, the governor would have to issue a warrant ordering Henderson's return.

Henderson, who is being held without bond, was arrested Tuesday by Baker City police after the FBI traced a telephone call he made from Baker City to West Virginia.

He had apparently been living in Baker City for several months under the alias Raymond Taylor.

 by CNB