Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, July 15, 1990                   TAG: 9007160185
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


REGARDING your July 2 editorial, "Bush takes too hard a pounding": I find it mind-boggling that anyone should have any regrets for the well-earned "pounding" the president is getting.

You compare Bush to Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson and Franklin Roosevelt. Carter was a large factor in the Camp David accord between Egypt and Israel. Carter is, today, doing much more for the homeless than Bush. Do you remember the pounding Carter took because Iran held our embassy personnel hostage for more than a year - an event that he could in no way be held responsible for?

Johnson's atrocious decision about Vietnam is, to say the very best for it, inexcusable. If it were not for Vietnam, Johnson would have been one of our greatest presidents because of what he did for civil rights.

Roosevelt took over a nation that was in the depths of despair, that was "one-third ill-fed, ill-housed and ill-clothed," on the verge of turning to communism. He gave us hope, and he guided us with not only words but deeds. His many programs to help people, not only big business, were in fact why people of my generation revered him. President Roosevelt in his first hundred days did more for the country and its people than Bush could do in a lifetime. The president is so lacking in self-confidence, so hesitant when decisive action is needed, he is incapable of leadership.

Bush in 18 months has not done anything to guide us out of our massive debt and deficit problems, but consistently avoids facing up to the realities and other imperative issues such as education, the S&L coverup, child welfare, hunger and many others too numerous to mention. He deliberately avoids taking any action against these major problems by waving the flag, as though he alone knows what love of country means.

Bush not only deserves the pounding he is getting; he should be getting much more because of his strong and obvious favoritism to big business, and little or no interest in the problems facing the country as a whole - especially his obvious disregard and respect for the needs of middle- and low-income people. JOE LIPTON ROANOKE

 by CNB