Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, July 17, 1990                   TAG: 9007170183
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Bubby Brister hasn't thrown a pass this season, but the Pittsburgh Steelers' quarterback already is in the middle of a controversy.

The subject is Brister's proposed weekly television show, one that Larry Magen, the show's executive producer, said will generate "an undertone of sexual nuances."

Former ESPN sportscaster Karie Ross, whom Magen said he has hired to serve as co-host with Brister, denied Monday that she had agreed to take the job. Ross called "offensive and demeaning" Magen's description of her as "hot-looking."

Executives at Sports News Network, where Ross works, said she was denied permission last week to become co-host of the show. Magen claimed he has a contract with Ross but acknowledged it requires SNN's permission for her to appear.

"I have categorically not been hired to co-host a show with Bubby Brister," Ross said. "I would never even consider appearing in a program whose purported orientation is to generate `an undertone of sexual nuances.' I am a professional sports journalist who has worked very hard to establish myself as a credible reporter.

"The very idea of the kind of show that is being proposed for Bubby Brister is offensive and demeaning to all women sportscasters who have had to overcome a number of obstacles and this kind of stereotyping in their careers."


 by CNB