Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 19, 1990                   TAG: 9007190080
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-7   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: By Associated Press
DATELINE: RICHMOND                                LENGTH: Short


Even in these tight budget times, the state may have to spend more to improve health care for Virginians, Gov. Douglas Wilder told a study commission Wednesday.

"I realize that some might ask: `If Virginia is in a budget crunch, why consider health care issues at such a difficult time?' Yes, the budget crunch is real, but so is our compassion," Wilder said at the first meeting of a legislative commission studying health care.

"Indeed, governments that do all other things well - but fail to be guided by compassion in the best as well as worst of times alike - are utterly worthless, and fully deserving of the contempt of the people," he said.

The governor gave the commission few specific guidelines except to urge that they find ways to spend health care dollars more effectively.

He said he has told Secretary of Health and Human Resources Howard Cullum to develop a plan to ensure preventive health care for all Virginia children.

"The citizens of this state have a fundamental right to a quality of health enabling them to function - and to excel - in the classroom, in the work place, and in all other facets of their lives," Wilder said.

The governor said the state needs to form partnerships with hospitals, doctors, nursing homes, businesses and consumers to improve health care.

He told reporters later he gave the panel few suggestions because "that would be usurping the prerogative of the commission."

"I'm really asking for a blueprint to look ahead," he said. "I'm not mandating them to do anything."

 by CNB