Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 19, 1990                   TAG: 9007190527
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-14   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


SHAME on you!

Your Editorial Page has become a trumpet for liberal positions. A recent editorial, "Warner joins in Senate's shame," was one more example of your ultraliberal bias.

The issue of defining the Constitution to specifically eliminate burning the American flag as an expression of free speech is a legitimate one, and responsible Americans may have differing views. Sen. Warner voted his conscience and represented the majority view of Virginians. You may disagree with his convictions, but you bring shame on yourself when you state that he "was among those who debased themselves" by their vote and that "a yes vote is a badge of shame."

It was interesting to note that on the same page, a reader wrote that he was canceling his subscription because of your persistent liberal editorials. JOHN J. ENGEL, M.D. MARTINSVILLE

 by CNB