Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 26, 1990                   TAG: 9007260485
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-14   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


YOUR JULY 4 editorial, "America remains the city on the hill," was the biggest crock I ever saw in my life. The only other article that comes close was "Day of pride" by Vicki Gardner (commentary July 4).

Our forefathers wrote the Bill of Rights for our protection, but the only right ever discussed is the First Amendment. It now seems that our freedom of expression is paramount to all the other rights the people possess.

That right has been responsible for total social change in our society. Now we have the right to burn the flag; the choice for expectant mothers to terminate (that is the choice of words to express an act of murder more gruesome than imagination can bear) pregnancy; and to perform any lewd and carnal act with man or beast we want.

I don't see freedom of expression anywhere in my copy of the Bill of Rights. Is that what is meant by free speech?

I think we the people should take our country back from the Supreme Court. It's ours. We have as much right to it as they do. I want the right to vote on constitutional change. I am sure that with our present congressional inability to govern, my desire is lowered to a whim. But speaking of lowering, if that supreme governing body, the Supreme Court, gets us much further in the gutter, we will never be able to reach the 10th Amendment again. ED BLEVINS SALEM

 by CNB