Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 28, 1990                   TAG: 9007280297
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The Fifth Planning District Commission has received a $22,123 grant to study the effect of urban development on water quality in Tinker Creek in the Roanoke Valley.

The study will focus on pollution caused by runoff from residences, businesses and farms as well as other sources such as the storage of hazardous materials and homeowners' dumping grass down the stream banks.

Wayne Strickland, executive director of the planning district, said Thursday that the project will allow planners to look at the effects on Tinker Creek from development in urbanizing areas in southern Botetourt County as well as more developed areas in Roanoke and Vinton.

The Tinker Creek watershed also includes parts of Roanoke County. The planners said the watershed contains some of the most important historic sites in the Roanoke Valley.

Strickland said the study will provide valuable data as the commission's staff prepares a Tinker Creek area plan that has been requested by Roanoke.

The grant was provided by the Virginia Water Control Board.

In other matters Thursday, the commission:

Agreed to provide space in its building in downtown Roanoke for an office for Blue Ridge Region of Virginia, a marketing organization that has been formed to promote 24 city and county governments in Western Virginia.

Blue Ridge spokesman William Board said the organization's small budget does not include money to pay for office rental. The agency will pay for phone service and other costs for the office, he said.

Endorsed an application by Ashley Court Associates for a $1.5 million loan by the Farmers Home Administration to build 41 units of housing for the elderly in Daleville.

The project, to be on Virginia 653 off U.S. 220, will be designed as an independent living facility. Each apartment will have a kitchen, living/dining area, bedroom, bath and storage.

 by CNB