Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 28, 1990                   TAG: 9007310315
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-11   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


WE MUST stop appeasing Congress' insatiable appetite for spending our money and controlling our business. President Bush made a tragic error in judgment when he gave credibility to this lust of Congress by agreeing to negotiate more taxes.

Those of us born in the 1920s or before have lived through two complete cycles of history, demonstrating the inevitable horrendous cost and consequence of political appeasement. While Europe and America procrastinated in the name of peace, Hitler's tentacles descended over the entire continent of Europe; then came the inevitable, unmeasurable cost of war to depose this power-mad politician.

Hand in hand with appeasement of Hitler's political machine came even more direct responsibility by the United States for the appeasement of Joseph Stalin and his demonic conviction that politicians should control the human race as if they are just so many domesticated animals. The consequence of buying "peace" with Stalin includes 45 years of Cold War and the enslavement of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.

In spite of such recent experiences, the United States continues to appease its entrenched Congress, a body of politicians with similar attitudes and a voracious appetite for power, control, and tax.

Entrenched politicians become power-mad and eventually enslave the population. The dire consequences of political appeasement are apparent. Without further delay, a constitutional amendment must limit the term of office in Congress. It's the policy for the president and for many state governors. Now is the time to free ourselves from our entrenched Congress. WILLIAM R. COWEN RADFORD

 by CNB