Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, July 30, 1990                   TAG: 9007300020
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Kitty Dukakis says in her soon-to-be-released autobiography that the night she drank rubbing alcohol she didn't realize what she was drinking was poisonous, according to reports published Sunday.

Dukakis, the wife of former Democratic presidential nominee and Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis, chronicles her bouts with alcohol and diet pill addiction in her book, "Now You Know."

In the book to be released in August by Simon & Schuster, she also tells of the shock she felt when she learned her mother was born out of wedlock, according to reports in The Boston Sunday Herald and The Boston Sunday Globe.

Princess Diana was among 60,000 cheering fans who attended one of Tina Turner's last live shows, in the open-air theater at the Woburn Abbey outside London.

The rock and soul singer is on what she says is her final concert tour before concentrating on films. Her acting career includes roles in "Tommy" and "Mad Max III: Beyond Thunderdome."

Turner's press agent, Bernard Docherty, said she is negotiating with several film producers and was particularly interested on playing in a science fiction movie after her tour ends in six weeks.

She also will try her hand at producing records and videos, he said.

The singer entertained an audience Saturday night that included singers Elton John, Mark Knopfler and Kate Bush, in addition to the princess who stayed for the entire two-hour show.

Dolly Parton is being awarded an honorary doctorate by a Baptist college for "her personal commitment to the educational and economic vitality of the East Tennessee region."

Carson-Newman College, a small Baptist college in Jefferson County adjacent to Parton's home county of Sevier, said it will present the singer with an honorary Doctor of Letters degree at a ceremony in late October.

 by CNB