Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, February 1, 1991                   TAG: 9102010479
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Willie Nelson's 44-acre Evergreen ranch fetched a cool $650,000 at an Internal Revenue Service auction that wasn't your average real-estate transaction.

About 100 people - bidders and onlookers, bargain-hunters and brokers - crowded the auction room Wednesday in Golden, Colo., but reporters nearly outnumbered serious bidders.

Construction entrepreneur Everett Randleman placed the top bid of $650,000 for the Nelson ranch, country home and several adjacent buildings on Upper Bear Creek Road in the shadow of Mount Evans.

Diane von Furstenburg was clocked driving her 1991 Jaguar 77 mph in a 55-mph zone, and when New York police checked the fashion designer's license they found it had been suspended nine years ago.

As a result, the 44-year-old von Furstenburg of New Milford, Conn., has a date in Putnam County Court next week to answer charges of speeding and unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.

Ron Howard, the actor and film director, has joined a gun safety campaign organized by a woman whose 12-year-old son was fatally shot while playing with a loaded handgun with a friend.

"One minute of your time could mean a lifetime to your children," Howard said in a spot he filmed last week. Howard urged parents who own handguns to keep them unloaded and locked up.

The spot will air in Connecticut and possibly around the country, said Susan Kenney, who founded Gun Responsibility in Every Family, or GRIEF, after her son David was killed in June 1989.

Cathy Lee Crosby has sued ex-boyfriend Joe Theismann for $4.5 million, claiming the former Washington Redskins quarterback abandoned his promise to financially support her.

The lawsuit filed Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court said the couple agreed six years ago to "forever combine their financial resources . . . to financially support each other and to act in each other's best interests as friends, confidants, companions and advisers."

Crosby, co-host of the television show "That's Incredible" in the early 1980s, also is seeking a share of Theismann's 9,200-acre ranch in the Virgin Islands and his condominium in South Bend, Ind.

 by CNB