Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, February 4, 1991                   TAG: 9102020344
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-6   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Tammp Poole
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Q: I heard recently about a program where people who did not strap their children into child safety seats could be reported. Can you give me some information on this? - A.S., Wytheville

A: You are referring to "Please Be Seated," a child safety-seat program from the Virginia Department for Children, in Richmond.

This new program began Jan. 22, said Karen Kern, coordinator of the program, and already 140 cards reporting violators have been sent in.

"The way the program works is we have a postage-paid, mail-in card for people to use when they see a moving vehicle with a child who appears to be under the age of 4 and less than 40 pounds not properly secured in a safety seat [as required by Virginia law]," Kern said.

The information listed on the card should include the vehicle's license plate number, the date, time and location of the sighting.

Once a card arrives, Kern contacts the Department of Motor Vehicles for registration information. "I find out the owner of the vehicle and send him or her a friendly letter saying he was reportedly observed with a small child not in a safety seat," she said. "The letter tells him what the law is in Virginia, and gives him a toll-free number [for the Safety Seatbelt Hotline] to call for information on receiving a free safety seat, if he cannot afford one."

Also sent with the letter is a brochure about proper safety seat use and a flier on keeping children happy in safety seats.

The Safety Seatbelt Hotline's toll-free number is (800) 533-1892.

People who are reported to the Please Be Seated program are not prosecuted in any way, Kern said. "We are not out to prosecute people, just out to educate the public," Kern said.

The program is sponsored by the Virginia Department for Children, the DMV, the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, the Division of Emergency Medical Services, the Virginia Safe Kids Coalition, and the Virginia Pediatric Society.

The Please Be Seated cards are available at those locations, as well as most pediatricians' offices, rescue squad buildings and all Automobile Association of America locations.

 by CNB