Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 6, 1991                   TAG: 9102060086
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


The 10th annual Religious Encounter Weekend at VMI, which begins Friday, will feature four speakers, two dinners and two concerts by nationally known artists.

Based on a verse from Psalm 100, the theme of this year's encounter is "Serve the Lord with Gladness," and is again sponsored by the cadet-run Religious Council. All sessions are open to the public.

The first event is a prayer dinner Friday in Cameron Hall. The VMI Glee Club and "Sentinels" will entertain afterward, and the keynote address will be given at 8 p.m. by J. Douglas Holladay, former U.S. ambassador to South Africa and White House adviser on economic affairs.

He is president of the One to One Foundation in Washington, D.C., which is an effort to bring solutions to some of the nation's most pressing urban problems. At 9:30 p.m. a quintet called Someday will offer a concert of gospel music.

A Saturday morning breakfast in Crozet Hall will feature devotional time led by Rosemary Trible, wife of former U.S. Sen. Paul Trible. After a 6:30 p.m. buffet dinner, Heartlight, a Christian music trio, will perform. At 8:30, Sam Rutigliano, who twice won the National Football League Coach of the Year award with the Cleveland Browns, will lecture. Then a concert will be presented by Danny Byram.

The public is invited to all events, but those planning to attend the dinners must make reservations by calling the office of the chaplain, 464-7390. Friday dinner costs $6, and Saturday's costs $7.

 by CNB