Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, February 7, 1991                   TAG: 9102070373
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Woody Harrelson, who was ousted as a New Orleans Carnival grand marshal after he attended a peace rally, will be replaced by the police superintendent and five U.S. servicemen.

Police Superintendent Warren Woodfork will ride on a float behind the troops when the Krewe of Endymion parade rolls Saturday through New Orleans. The parade, largest and one of the most popular of Carnival, traditionally has a celebrity grand marshal.

Endymion last week withdrew its invitation to Harrelson, an Emmy Award-winning actor who plays a dimwitted bartender on the TV show "Cheers," after he became "involved politically in America's participation in the Persian Gulf conflict" by appearing at a California peace rally, Krewe captain Ed Muniz said initially.

Later, Muniz said Harrelson's safety, rather than his politics, was the reason the actor was ousted.

Alex Haley said he found students at Southern colleges less curious than those elsewhere.

"And that's difficult for me to say because I consider the South my home," the "Roots" author said Tuesday in Columbus, Ga.

Haley, who spoke at Columbus College as part of Black History Month, said in an interview that "students down South seem less dynamic than those in other parts of the country" and cited the University of California at Berkeley and Harvard as examples of campuses where curiosity reigns.

 by CNB